Early Intervention Technical Assistance & Monitoring
The Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Monitoring Program, provided by the Vander Weele Group, LLC. and funded through the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), Bureau of Early Intervention, is designed to:
Improve compliance with state and federal regulations in the delivery of Early Intervention services to infants and toddlers, as indicated by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and 89 IL Admin Code 500.65.
Review the provision of direct services, billing procedures, and filing of required documentation.
Check all Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices and credentialed/enrolled service providers to ensure appropriate service delivery
Assist families, CFC offices and Early Intervention service providers in addressing issues and resolving conflicts.
Safeguard the rights of families to receive appropriate services and supports by investigating parent complaints regarding the appropriate billing of services.
Attend and collaborate as an Early Intervention stakeholder and partner through Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention as directed by the Bureau of Early Intervention.