Prevention Initiative Monitoring
The Vander Weele Group's Prevention Initiative Monitoring Program provides compliance oversight for the State of Illinois' Early Childhood Block Grant Prevention Initiative. This program provides intensive, research-based, and comprehensive child development and family support services for expectant parents and families with children from birth to age three. These services help build a strong foundation for learning and prepare children for later school success.
To support PI grantees in achieving this vision, the Early Childhood Department of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) assesses PI programs for quality service delivery and compliance. Prevention Initiative monitoring fulfills the state's legal obligations to ensure adequate oversight. It permits technical assistance and professional learning to be tailored to programmatic needs identified during monitoring evaluations.
Prevention Initiative assessors are certified in the use of multiple monitoring tools, including:
Prevention Initiative Compliance Checklist (PICC)
All Home Visiting and Center-based PI programs are evaluated for compliance using the PICC, created by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Home Visit Rating Scales (HOVRS )
Grantees operating Home Visiting programs are also evaluated using the HOVRS3. This research-based tool measures the quality of a range of Home Visiting practices, including interactions with families.
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R)
Grantees operating Center-based programs are also evaluated using the ITERS-R. This research-based tool measures the quality of the classroom environment and interactions in childcare centers.